Client Services
Web Updates and Design
Napa Valley Webs offers quality web services for a low cost.
Updating an Existing Website
Many companies use online web editors such as Wordpress (the most well known) and Joomla, which are web design platforms that allow users to access their website from any computer. These programs can be excellent web design tools but unfortunately, are not as user-friendly as they should be, even for people who are somewhat tech-saavy. If your website was created in Wordpress or Joomla and you need someone else to make your updates for you, you've come to the right place. Even if it's just a quick change to the wording of a sentence or posting a PDF flyer for an upcoming event, contact us via text or email and we will make your change promptly (often by the end of the day). Napa Valley Webs can also provide Wordpress or Joomla training to you or your employees upon request. Napa Valley Webs offers maintenance and updates of your pre-existing website; if you hired another company to create your website but need updates as a one-time only or ongoing basis, we can help.
Custom and Semi-Custom Sites
If you don't currently have a website and would like one created, we can work with you to choose the perfect design for your company from a huge bank of beautiful website templates. How much this type of site costs, depends on the size website you need, the type of features you would like, such as photos and slideshows, and how many changes you make to the design and layout. Please contact us today for a free consultation: julielynn1997@gmail.com | 916-715-8406
Sample Pricing
A typical 4-5 page website will cost approximately $1500-$2000
A typical 6-10 page website that includes complex features such as online forms or e-Commerce will cost approximately $2500-and up depending upon your needs.
Online Marketing Services
Napa Valley Webs offers online marketing services such as email marketing and social media posts.
Facebbook Posts
Instagram Posts
Blog Posts
Email Marketing (e-Blasts)
Branding and Rebranding